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Fighting COVID-19 Caution Fatigue

You’ve been hearing the same messages since March, and now it’s September. You’re stir crazy and desensitized to COVID-19 news. Does this sound like you? It’s likely that you’re experiencing caution fatigue, which could lead to relaxing on safety precautions. However, the pandemic is still going on, and it’s important that we fight this fatigue and remain diligent in our efforts to keep each other safe.

Face Reality

With threats we can’t physically see, it can be tempting to think it’s not real or it won’t happen to us. However, science shows that’s not the case — COVID-19 is very real and it can affect anyone. 

Avoid confirmatory bias, which happens when you surround yourself with people who agree with you and ignore different perspectives. It can be tempting to look at other people’s social media feeds and think, “They’re going out, I should be able to as well.” It’s important to look to health experts instead of your timeline when weighing risks, though. Right now, we know it’s important to still be taking precautions, even if it’s difficult.

Find Ways to Cope

If you’re feeling the fatigue, take control of what you can. Learn some new coping skills such as:

  • Exercise: Whether it’s a walk around the block or a full cardio routine, exercise is a great way to get out some pent-up energy and release endorphins.
  • Talk: Phone a friend, chat with your partner, or go to a therapy session and work through what you’re feeling.
  • Self Care: View our self-care tips here and here to learn more!

Note that if you are feeling depressed or anxious, it’s important to get help from a mental health professional. 

Take a News Break

It’s helpful to understand what’s going on, but it’s important to maintain a balance. Too much COVID-19 news can desensitize us to what’s happening. Choose a few trusted news sources and stick to those for the facts. It’s okay to take a break from the rest.

Make it Easy

The easier you make things on yourself, the more likely you are to do them. So don’t make it complicated! Put a mask and hand sanitizer within easy reach: by the door, in your car, in your purse, etc. 

Then, practice! The more you practice these precautions, the more they’ll start to turn into habits.
