Does your household need assistance with food?

Once a month, our partnership with Harvesters provides families with FREE fresh, healthy produce and nonperishable items at our Lee's Summit clinic. No need to pre-register — just stop by during an event day/time while supplies last.

Visit one of our upcoming events:

All events are held in our 1st-floor conference room. Walk-ins only. Check-in opens at 9:30 a.m. Supplies are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Events will run until all food has been distributed, with past events in high demand — please call (816) 447-0421 ahead of time to check availability.

To sign up for email reminders for future events, click here.

  • October 16, 10 am – 12 pm
  • November 20, 10 am – 12 pm
  • December 18, 10 am – 12 pm

Parking is provided. If you need help finding the event space, please talk to our front desk staff.

Jackson County Public Health

3651 NE Ralph Powell Rd
Lee's Summit, MO 64064

Looking for more options?

Are you looking for assistance outside of Lee’s Summit? Need different event days or hours? There are more options available for you! Our partners at Harvesters host events all across Jackson County. Visit their website to find more food distribution sites near you.

Need a Lyft? We can help!

If you are in need of transportation to this event (or to any of our clinical services), complimentary Lyft passes are available. Email or call/text (816) 447-0421 for more information.