Are you struggling to afford housing, food, or utilities?
connectHERE is a resource referral program helping community members easily find local resources to meet their needs. That includes rent, utility, food, education, employment, child care, and transportation assistance!
Finding help can be as easy as visiting our clinic.
When you’re struggling, sometimes half the battle is just finding resources that fit your specific situation. Let our team do the legwork for you! Our community health workers are here to act as your guide to local resources. We can connect you to relevant resources near you, help you navigate any obstacles preventing you from getting help, and answer any questions you may have.
To get started, fill out our Social Needs Assessment form and tell us what you’re looking for! Having trouble? You can also call/text our community health team at (816) 447-0421 or stop by the connectHERE kiosk in-person at our clinic.

What is connectHERE? / ¿Qué es connectHERE?
connectHERE is a program that can connect anyone who lives in Eastern Jackson County to resources that help meet their needs. This includes food, housing, transportation, child care, and much more!
connectHERE, o conécteseAQUÍ, es un programa que puede conectar residentes de la parte este del condado de Jackson a recursos que ayudan a satisfacer sus necesidades. ¡Esto incluye alimentos, vivienda, transporte, cuidado de niños, y mucho más!
How can I request resources?
To request resources, fill out our social needs assessment. Your answers will help us connect you to resources that fit your identified needs. If you’re visiting our clinic, you can also fill out your assessment via the connectHERE kiosk.
If you need specialized assistance or are having trouble filling out the form, please contact our community health workers directly by emailing or by calling 816-447-0421.
What is the information in the Social Needs Assessment used for?
The Social Needs Assessment asks questions about your current housing situation, access to food, and other necessities. Your answers will help us to connect you to resources that best fit your situation.
You will be asked for your first name and contact information so that our community health workers can get in touch with you. We also ask that you provide your zip code so we can identify resources in your area.
Personalized Assistance
Contact us at (816) 447-0421 or today!
If you have any circumstances that prevent you from accessing help, our community health workers will work with you to figure out a solution! If needed, they can also help you figure out which resources you are eligible for + reach out to the appropriate organizations on your behalf.
Need additional help? Call United Way at 2-1-1 to find even more resources.
Need help, but live outside of Grandview and Buckner?
Check out our resource guides below!
Will my personal information be kept private? / ¿Mantendrá la privacidad de mi información personal?
Yes, our screening tool is HIPAA compliant and your responses will not be associated with your name or contact information. We may use these anonymous responses to help us determine where more support and resources are needed across the Eastern Jackson County community.
Sí, nuestra herramienta de evaluación cumple con la ley HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad y Portabilidad del Seguro Médico) y sus respuestas no se relacionarán con su nombre ni información de contacto. Podemos utilizar estas respuestas anónimas para ayudarnos a determinar dónde se necesita más apoyo y recursos en la comunidad de la parte este del condado de Jackson.
How does it work?

Use our Social Needs Screening Tool at the connectHERE kiosk in MCPL Buckner + Grandview.
Usa nuestra herramienta de evaluación de necesidades sociales en el quiosco de connectHERE en las bibliotecas de Buckner y Grandview.

Pick up a connectHERE resource kit to connect with helpful organizations.
Recoge un paquete de recursos de connectHERE para conectar con organizaciones útiles.

Communicate with organizations and get resources to address your needs.
Se comunica con organizaciones y recibe recursos que atienden sus necesidades.
How does it work?
Use our Social Needs Screening Tool at the connectHERE kiosk located in the Buckner and Grandview Mid-Continent Public Library branches.
Usa nuestra herramienta de evaluación de necesidades sociales en el quiosco de connectHERE ubicado en las bibliotecas de Buckner y Grandview.
Choose for us to either connect you to helpful organizations or send you a resource guide.
Elige una de los dos: le conectamos a organizaciones útiles o le enviamos una guía de recursos.
Communicate with organizations and get resources to address your needs.
Se comunica con organizaciones y recibe recursos que atienden sus necesidades.
connectHERE is a resource referral program helping community members connect to resources — such as food, housing, and transportation — that meet their needs.