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Create A Self-Care Plan

desk with coffee and a notebook

Self-care is taking time to nurture yourself through activities that replenish your energy, reset your perspective, and help you manage stress. It doesn’t have to be expensive, time-consuming, and it most certainly isn’t selfish. Ask yourself: “What do I enjoy doing that helps me reduce my stress or focus on my well-being? When was the last time I did something just for myself?” If it’s been more than a week, you should make a self-care plan.

Aspects of Self-Care

Self-care is personal and looks different for everyone. Below are the different aspects to self-care and example strategies:

Workplace or professional self-care activities help you work at the level expected of you. This could be setting up a peer-support group, setting boundaries between clients or coworkers, or attending professional development programs.

Physical self-care activities help you stay healthy and help to provide enough energy to get you through work and personal commitments. Physical self-care can be built into a routine habit that you’re already spending time at. Take care of your physical well-being by sticking to a sleep routine, aiming for a healthy diet, setting aside time for lunch breaks, going for a walk at lunchtime, taking time off when you’re sick, and exercising a couple of times a week.

Psychological self-care activities help you to clear your mind so you’re able to engage with personal or professional challenges. Examples include keeping a reflective journal, working on a hobby, turning off your work email outside of work hours, making time to relax, or engaging with positive friends and family. 

Emotional self-care is allowing yourself to safely experience your full range of emotions. Examples include developing supportive friendships, writing down three good things that you did each day, doing something you enjoy, talking with a trusted friend about how you’re feeling, or engaging in social groups.

Spiritual self-care involves having a sense of perspective beyond the day-to-day of life. Examples include engaging in reflective practices like meditation, doing yoga, or reflecting with close friends. 

Relationship self-care involves maintaining healthy, supportive relationships. Examples include prioritizing close relationships in your life or attending events that are special to your family and friends. 

Developing a Plan

If you’re interested in creating a self-care plan, select at least one strategy or activity you can undertake from each category above. Keep it in a place where you can see it every day – this will help you consistently engage in your self-care strategies. Share it with friends and family so they can support you. Check-in on your progress and re-assess if needed. And finally, be realistic about your self-care plan. If something isn’t working for you anymore, change your plan to fit your current needs.



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