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Community Innovation Summit: Catch The Recap

The Community Innovation Summit was spearheaded by Health Director Bridgette Shaffer, alongside other key leaders, including Assistant Health Director Ray Dlugolecki, Community Engagement & Policy Division Manager Kristin Schlenk, and Community Initiatives Coordinator Kiki Saragnese.

Earlier this month, Jackson County Public Health hosted a full-day Community Innovation Summit at the Stoney Creek Conference Center in Independence. Key partners and community members were invited to share their input and expertise to help shape the future of public health in Eastern Jackson County.

The summit was spearheaded by Health Director Bridgette Shaffer, alongside other key leaders, including Assistant Health Director Ray Dlugolecki, Community Engagement & Policy Division Manager Kristin Schlenk, and Community Initiatives Coordinator Kiki Saragnese.

“The Summit was an opportunity for community stakeholders to really grapple with the challenges facing Eastern Jackson County and take an experimental approach to impacting the systemic factors causing mental health inequities, housing instability, and economic insecurity,” says Saragnese.

At first, it might sound intimidating to tackle complex topics like economic stability and mental health. But by leading with group discussions and an interactive learning experience designed to simulate real-world challenges faced by community members, participants could engage with the material in an approachable, hands-on way. All attendees had the chance to deepen their understanding of the systemic barriers and opportunities for change.

Strategic Pathways

Participants discussed specific pathways for transformational change, including:

  • Housing & Economic Stability: Implementing legal protections, improving access to safe and affordable housing, and ensuring living wages and benefits.
  • Mental & Behavioral Health: Expanding access to high-quality services and developing a diverse workforce in the mental health sector.

Systems Approach to Community Health Improvement

In June 2023, JCPH convened stakeholders at the inaugural Community Health Summit and publicly launched InCoLab (innovation + community + lab), the container that houses the Eastern Jackson County Community Health Improvement Process (CHIP). Building on a year of meticulous, collaborative work, the summit emphasized a systems thinking approach, encouraging participants to delve into the root causes of health disparities and explore avenues for change. Key themes included:

  • Identifying Problems: Bringing community leaders and residents together to use data and their personal and professional experiences to lift up the most pressing community health challenges.
  • Building the Container: Creating supportive structures for collaboration, partnership, and learning.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Investigating the forces contributing to mental health inequities, housing, and economic instability in Eastern Jackson County.
  • Mapping the System: Visualizing the interconnected elements of the local housing, economic, and mental health systems.
  • Finding Leverage Points: Pinpointing areas that could be addressed regionally and have a significant systemic impact.

“The most rewarding moment of the day was seeing participants organically making connections. We want to support an ecosystem that grows collaboration and this is one of the ways we will get there,” says Saragnese.

Ready to Get Involved?

The Community Innovation Summit was an opportunity for community members, trusted organizations, and other stakeholders to learn about this innovative approach to community health challenges, but it will not be the last. InCoLab is dedicated to involving the community in action planning for health equity, inclusivity, and the common good. If you or your organization are ready to learn more and find your role in InCoLab, reach out to to connect or request a link for virtual monthly Office Hours on the last Wednesday of each month from 2-3:30 pm.

The EJC Mental & Behavioral Health Lab meets on the second Tuesday of every month from 2-4pm. For more information, please email

The EJC Housing & Economic Stability Lab meets on the second Wednesday of every month from 1-3pm. For more information, please email

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