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Safer at Home FAQs

Q. Where can I see the official health order?

A. See the official order here.

Q. Where can I learn more about the current order?

A. Learn more here.

Q. Do restaurants need to close after 12:00 a.m.?

A. Restaurants/bars can stay open after 12:00 a.m. for curbside/takeout or drive thru services only. Before 12:00 a.m., indoor patrons must be seated, and masked at all times except when actively eating or drinking.  Indoor and outdoor parties are limited to ten (10) or fewer persons and parties shall be spaced with no less than six feet of distance between themselves and individuals from any other parties.

Q. What capacity restrictions are weddings/funerals at churches or any other event spaces following?

A. Weddings/funerals in any capacity are considered a gathering. As such they will need to submit a gathering protocol for any event larger than 10 people. Included in the protocol, event planners must include how they are going to maintain social distancing (6 feet between families) throughout the entire event.

Q. How does the order impact youth sports?

A. Mask are required for youth 5 years and above. If the youth is actively playing in a sport they are exempt from wearing a mask.

Q. Does my church need to fill out a gathering protocol?

A. No, a church must not allow more than 50% of the capacity of the room of service. All participants must be social distanced by family units and wearing masks at all times. It is recommended that churches consider online services due to the high level of community transmission.

Q. How does this impact my event space/meeting rooms/community rooms/etc.

A. Gatherings include, but are not limited to, weddings, funerals, meetings, lectures, fairs, festivals, and performances. They are subject to no more than 10 people, with a gathering protocol. For reoccurring events that are similar in nature, event organizers may work with environmental health to submit a single plan for multiple events. Event organizers are responsible for ensuring participants are following set plans and enforcing social distancing and mask wearing.

Q. Are school sports impacted by this order?

A. Mask are required for youth 5 years and above. If the youth is actively playing in a sport they are exempt from wearing a mask.

Q. Are all businesses at 50% capacity?

A. Unless otherwise noted in the order, both essential and non-essential businesses that are frequented by the public can open provided they limit the number of individuals (staff and customers) in the building or room to 50 percent of the lowest occupancy load on the certificate of occupancy of the room or facility (whichever is lower) in which the gathering is occurring. This is only permissible as long as adequate social distancing (six feet) can be maintained. If social distancing cannot be maintained due to facility layout, the occupancy limit should be reduced. Proper PPE must be utilized.

Q. Do I need to wear a mask while working out at a gym or recreational facility?

A. Yes, masks must now be worn at all times while in a gym or recreational facility. If you are unable to wear a mask because of difficulty breathing during high intensity activities, choose an outdoor location with greater ventilation and air exchange and where social distancing from others can be guaranteed. Participants may consult with their primary care provider to determine if vigorous activity while wearing a mask is safe for them.

Q. Are adult recreational athletes required to wear a mask while competing?

A. Yes, masks must now be worn at all times while competing. If you are unable to wear a mask because of difficulty breathing during high intensity activities, choose an outdoor location with greater ventilation and air exchange and where social distancing from others can be guaranteed. Participants may consult with their primary care provider to determine if vigorous activity while wearing a mask is safe for them.

Q. Are childcare centers, day camps, daycares, or school class sizes impacted by these orders?

A. Other than mask wearing and social distancing where possible, childcare and daycare settings are not currently impacted by these orders.

Q. Does an event space need to submit a gathering protocol for every event?

A. No, event spaces can submit one gathering protocol for all similar events that they will be hosting.

This year's COVID-19 and flu vaccines are NOT yet available at our clinic. We will update our website and social media once the vaccines are in stock.To be notified, you can also sign up for our General email updates.