89% of health happens outside of the doctor’s office.

That’s why we are passionate about working to ensure that all people have the opportunity to live their healthiest lives throughout Jackson County.

Not only do we provide essential clinical services (such as vaccinations) at a low cost, we work upstream on policies, environmental conditions, and community factors that all play a role in health.

We use a multi-prong approach to improve our community’s health, which includes health promotions, communicable disease prevention, public health emergency preparedness, clinical services, operations, and quality improvement.

We truly believe we can help improve the health of all people, and we’re passionate about achieving those results.

Everything we do is for the individuals of Jackson County, and our goal is to see all people living their healthiest lives.

Service Area

The Jackson County Public Health provides public health services to over 379,000 residents. Individuals served are primarily located in EJC, which is defined as all areas outside of Kansas City.

Jackson County Public Health
3651 NE Ralph Powell Rd
Lee’s Summit, MO 64064

Hours: Monday – Friday / 8:00am – 4:00pm

Phone: (816) 404-6415

Schedule an Appointment


To offer services, provide programs, and advocate for policies so that all people have a fair and just opportunity to be healthy.


A community where all people can live their healthiest lives.

Our Leadership

Bridgette Shaffer, MPH

Health Director

Ray Dlugolecki, MPH

Assistant Health Director

Angela Barnett, MD

Medical Director

Helen Hill, DO, MPH

Deputy Medical Director

Kristin Schlenk, M.Ed, CHES

Community Engagement & Policy Manager

Amanda Fontaine, ScM, CPH

Health Services Manager

Nancy Smith

Operations Division Manager

Ann Bowler

Communications Manager

MaryAnna Henggeler, MPH

Strategic Initiatives Manager

Steven Lammers, MPH, MEP

Public Health Preparedness Manager

Ximena Ilabaca-Somoza, MD, MPH

Epidemiology and Data Analytics Manager

Michelle Brown

Fiscal Operations Manager

Schedule an Appointment

Come on in and see how Jackson County Public Health can help you!