Our old location in Independence officially closed on June 16th. Our new building, located at 3651 NE Ralph Powell Rd, Lee’s Summit, is open to the public and serving clients as of June 26th. We hope to see you there!

You can find more information about our move and name change on this page. For additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Want to learn more about our new name and location? Read on!

Where is the new Jackson County Public Health building located?

Our new address is 3651 NE Ralph Powell Rd; Lee’s Summit, MO 64064, just off of I-470 and Woods Chapel Road. Our office hours will stay the same, Monday through Friday (8am – 4pm). As of June 26th, we are fully open to the public.

Is the location in Independence officially closed?

As of June 16th, 2023, our location in Independence is officially closed. Come visit us at our new location in Lee’s Summit, located at 3651 NE Ralph Powell Rd; Lee’s Summit, MO 64064!

Now that JCPH has moved to Lee's Summit, what other resources and/or transportation options are available for those in Independence?

Please reach out to our team via phone call, online message, or email if you have questions about how to access specific services! We are happy to connect you to resources and help find solutions on an individual basis as needed.


Requesting birth and death certificates can be done by mail. We process applications and mail them back to you within 48 hours (excluding weekends) of receiving them. For more information, click here: https://jcph.org/vital-records/


Lee’s Summit does have some public transportation options available in partnership with KCATA and OATS. Learn more about these services here: https://cityofls.net/public-works/traffic-transit/transit-services


Other resources include, but are not limited to:

As an additional option, you can call 211 (United Way) for assistance locating resources near you.

Did vital records move as well, or just the clinic?

Both Vital Records and our Clinic moved with us to our new location.

Are any services changing?

This new, more centralized location will allow our department to offer the same great services to the residents of Eastern Jackson County, in a more accessible setting. Our new building will also provide a home for Jackson County’s Environmental Health department and WIC program, bringing all three county divisions under the same roof for the first time.


Our new location offers a number of improvements for our clients: 


  • Expanded waiting & registration areas
  • Lactation rooms for nursing mothers 
  • Two large public meeting spaces 
  • A higher number of modern clinical rooms that are ADA compliant

Why did the name change?

We feel our change in name better reflects the wide range of services, initiatives, and programs that we offer. For example, many people only associate health departments with food code violations (which are actually handed by Environmental Health in Eastern Jackson County!), not with community classes, low-cost clinical services, or other community resources.

At Jackson County Public Health, our mission isn’t just health care. We are not a department separate from the community we serve; rather, we are community members advocating for the well-being of those around us. We are also not limited to the physical space of one department; instead, we provide a wide range of services and initiatives out in the community to address complex issues.

What else has changed and why?

In addition to the name change, Jackson County Public Health has rolled out a full rebrand, including a new logo, fonts, and color scheme— all created internally by our Communications team. This is the first rebrand for the health department in several decades!


Our previous logo was difficult to read or recognize. As our online communications have grown, we feel that it’s more important than ever for us to make ourselves easily identifiable as a reliable source of information for our community. We envision a community where all people can live their healthiest lives, and we want our name and appearance to reflect that mission.

Who led the rebrand efforts?

Our internal communications team has been hard at work on our brand refresh. Congratulations to all who contributed their time and talent to this project!