Sexually transmitted infections (STIs or STDs) can have a variety of effects, including serious issues like infertility and cancer if left untreated. Since STIs don't always have obvious symptoms, getting tested regularly is a vital part of taking care of your health.
STI Testing Information
Jackson County Public Health provides confidential testing for STIs/STDs (sexually transmitted infections) and HIV for patients 13 and older.
Treatment is available as needed and high-risk reduction counseling is offered. A fee of $20 per patient will be charged for STI clinic visits with a nurse practitioner.
If you’re NOT experiencing STI symptoms, please confirm that you meet the state’s testing criteria before making your appointment.
What kind of testing do you offer?
Our STI clinic tests for:
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Syphilis
- Mpox (monkeypox)
We treat all positive test results and contacts for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. We also treat the following conditions:
- Herpes
- Trichomoniasis
- Yeast
- Bacterial Vaginosis
Please make sure you do not urinate for at least 1 hour prior to your scheduled appointment time for urine testing purposes.
Do I qualify to get tested?
Patients must meet certain state-designated criteria to receive STI testing at our clinic. You can receive testing if one or more of the following apply to you:
- You’re experiencing STI symptoms. (burning when you urinate, rash, warts, vaginal drainage or itching, penile drainage, testicular pain)
- You’ve had contact with someone with chlamydia or gonorrhea.
- You need to be re-tested for an STI 3 months after completing treatment.
- Female age 15-24 and have had at least one partner in the last 12 months.
- Female age 25-44 and have had a new partners in the past 60 days or 2+ partners in the past 12 months.
- Male with at least one male partner in the past 12 months.
If you do not qualify, please check out other resources below.
How long should I wait before getting tested for STIs?
For chlamydia and gonorrhea testing, you should wait three weeks after a possible exposure to get tested.
For HIV testing, you should wait at least four weeks after a possible exposure to get tested.
How much does it cost?
There is a $20 self-pay fee. We do NOT accept health insurance for testing. Payment is expected at the time of visit.
To make an appointment for STI services, book online or call (816) 404-6416.